
Educators are under the pump, and we see it! We’re here to act as a layer of support, filling in gaps in the curriculum with the tools you need to enable your student success. 

Educators receive:

A weekly classroom box which includes:

> 1.5hrs+ of daily learning content 
> Age appropriate curriculum 
> Daily learning videos 
> Daily discussion questions

> Daily classroom activities 
> Individual student workbooks 
> Teacher manuals
> Lesson plans 

> Email and phone support 
> Rewards and certificates
> Everything to get you started
> Daily educator instructions 

Which drives results in:

> Improved student attendance
> Improved learning engagement

> Positive learning behaviour
> Better student/teacher wellbeing

> Better student/teacher connection
> Strengthened family relationships

Support your students to grow in their:

> Confidence
> Agency
> Independent learning
> Cultural Identity
> Mindset
> Aspirations for the future
> Positive learning behaviour

> Learning engagement
> Academic Success
> Soft skills
> Self-belief

Each week we drop off a new box for the educator and their students.

Everything you need is in the box including 1.5hrs+ of already prepared and planned learning.

Empower your students with engaging learning that doesn’t need any planning or preparation.

  • "They got so excited to see jump in the video yesterday as most had been there, the activities were really well done to suit the age of the children, all children were able to complete the work and understand tasks"

    Dean NE Teacher.

  • "And a big thankyou for our awesome toolboxes, my students are loving completing the activities and ask me everyday if we're using our toolbox today. There's some serious tension after lunch when they are waiting to find out what we are doing for the day!"

    Kayla YR 1 Teacher.

  • "It's been great to see students apply what they have learnt in the ToolBox to other areas. For example, learning about mindset was very helpful for the kids when we went on camp. They had a great attitude towards trying things and I often heard them repeating what they had learnt in ME the athlete during camp."


  • "The student feedback has been great. My kids love the class discussion and I've seen it's helped them to explore their thoughts and what they think about themselves. I've found that my connection with my students has grown. The learning videos and class discussion gives us the opportunity everyday to connect with each other."

    Mele Holi Year 5 & 6

  • The ToolBox gives you 1.5hrs+ of already prepared learning content that you didn’t need to use your precious and limited time to prepare.

  • Between the planning, sourcing of the resources and delivering the daily lessons, we estimate that we give you back at least 15 hours of your time per week. We’ve done all the work for you, enabling you to spend more time connecting with your students, and being the teacher you want to be.

  • No. We do all the creating, preparing and planning for you, and everything you need to know is in the box. We also send you daily email lesson plans, pertaining to the day you are teaching.

  • Yes we can. If you are interested in the ToolBox but are limited by funding, let us know and we can help you to not let resources become the barrier to your students succeeding.

  • Yes it does. Our ToolBox has been designed to support your students learning and is aligned with the NZ curriculum, also ensuring it enables you to help your students to meet the NZ key competencies.

  • We believe in working with our village to create content for the ToolBox. We have many contributors to the ToolBox. These include educators, Pacific story tellers, engineers, creatives, Social Workers, Counsellors and more.


Let’s talk about your school.

Have a free conversation with our founder Lesieli.